Student Assistance

Prevention, Early Intervention, and Support Services that address Social-emotional, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues.

Why is a Student Assistance Program offered?
Young people impacted by extreme stressors are at greater risk for socio-emotional and behavioral health concerns as well as lower academic achievement. Extreme stressors can result in barriers to student learning and success.

Who can refer to Student Assistance? 
Anyone can refer; an individual can self refer or any concerned person such as another student, parent, or school staff member can refer by contacting the Student Assistance Center.

What services are offered? 
CONFIDENTIAL services include assessments, referrals, individual, and group support. Other services include classroom presentations, staff support, and community involvement.

What Kind of Group Intervention does Student Assistance provide? 
Small groups are formed based on need. They are offered one hour a week during the school day. Students are excused from class and are required to make up any missed work. The most common groups are:

            Stress Management: 
                Provides life skills and support to stressed students who live in a difficult home situation due
                 to another person’s substance use/addiction, mental health issue, or other stressor.

            Anger Management: 
                Students who have difficulty managing anger learn alternative methods of responding.

                 Support for students who are dealing with self-esteem issues due to a variety of reasons.

To call for further information or to make a referral, contact:
Diane Dymczyk, Counselor at North Lake High School
 [email protected]
North Lake High School, 
(586) 285-8780
This is an equal opportunity employer/program.  We do not discriminate against or exclude participation by any person in programs, activities or employment on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, creed, religion, political affiliation or disability.  Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request.  Michigan Relay Center 1-800-649-3777, TDD 1-586-285-8761.